Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Colin Campbell

The name Colin Campbell or just Colin has been passed down through the family, thus:

(UPDATED) Beatrix Murdoch nee Campbell called her son James Campbell Murdoch. He called his son Colin Campbell Murdoch.
Colin Campbell Murdoch called his son James Campbell Murdoch
James C. Murdoch called his son (Maude's brother) James Colin Campbell Murdoch.
Maude Gowland nee Murdoch called her son Colin George Frederick Gowland 
Colin G. F. Gowland called his son Colin James Gowland.
. . . and it's safe to assume there were others among the decendants.

But which Colin Campbell was being honoured? Was it perhaps the British general of Alexander's time or maybe the 13th century founder of Clan Cambell and self-styled Duke of Argyll? 

I know from my family (Colin and Elva Gowland) that our Murdoch ancestors were supporters of Clan Campbell. This was stated emphatically and must have been very important to have been remembered after so many generations, in a colony on the other side of the world. There's a good chance that my ancestor/s fought for King George II in the regiment known as Campbell's Highlanders at Culloden. From Wikipedia (Ref: Clan Campbell)

1745 to 1746 Jacobite Rising

Just before 1745, the strength of the Clan Campbell had been put at a total of 5,000 men.[3] During the Jacobite rising of 1745, the Clan Campbell continued their support for the British Government. They fought against the rebel Jacobites at the Battle of Falkirk (1746) where government forces were defeated. However, shortly afterwards the Campbells held out during the Siege of Fort William where the Jacobites were defeated.[24] At the Battle of Culloden in 1746 where the Jacobites were finally defeated, involved in the fighting on the government side were four companies from the Campbell of Argyll Militia, three companies from Loudon's Highlanders who were under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Campbell and one company from the 43rd Highlanders who were under the command of Captain Dugald Campbell of Auchrossan.[25]

(Source: Wikipedia)

How extraordinary that Highlanders fought against each other in this ugly battle! I suppose different chiefs thought they had more to gain under either the Hanovers or the Stewarts and their followers pretty much obeyed the chief's orders. The consequences were terrible and oppressed all Scots, not just the Rebels.

NAMES: There's a good chance that if Alexander had a middle name it was Colin, Colin Campbell or James ( another family name). I wonder if there are Campbells in the Murdochs' forebears? Perhaps the name change was due to a marriage?

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